By Julius S. Peyton

By Julius S. Peyton

The World of WOSAS is one ruled by exalted Kings and Pharaohs, Priests and Priestesses, Lords and Vassals; but above all it is ruled by omnipresent gods,  who shape their will through the hands of demigod Saints.

The Order of Saints is one that dates back 1,000 years, to a time when Gods of Justice and Cruelty walked the earth for all to see. Three men were chosen in Covenant with God, and each of their sons after them would become Saints. Blessed with demigod abilities and Saintly Scepters that channel the very magic of God himself, the Saints were tasked with safeguarding human civilizations from the forces of the Antigod, Atol, who was cursed to walk the Material World tens of thousands of years ago.

Over 1,000 years after the Covenant of Saints, the Three Bloodlines have lost contact, spread across the world, serving each isolated empire of men. The power of Saints is fading and the race of men has never been so divided since the beginning of history.

The cast of characters live across continents with no knowledge of each others existence. They range from slaves, couriers, rebels, servants and soldiers to Kings, Saints, Lords, Princes and Priestesses. Many of them are passionate, and driven by their believed moral righteousness. Others are driven mad by the power that should never have been given to a mortal man.

"The War of Saints and Sages" is a planned 7 book Epic Fantasy Series. It takes place in a secondary world approximately the size of Asia. Inspired by ancient myth, certain aspects of humanities anthropology have been assimilated in a light that separates the bar between myth and fiction, transcending to something deeper than either.

by Julius S. Peyton

by Julius S. Peyton

Patreon enables fans of the series to contribute towards its continued creation and improvement, and it is also a place where I can document all the various activity of "The War of Saints and Sages". The money from Patreon goes to editors and artists that work on this story. It also is a place where I post content exclusive to only people who give the story a certain amount of money a month. Exclusive content includes access to the immense worldbuilding archives of this story, "The Making Of" notes and videos by the author on the inspiration, meanings, and nuances of the story, bonus chapters and more.

Patrons will also be enrolled in the making of the series. Their comments will be taken much more seriously than people commenting for free, their votes and suggestions will determine the names of new characters and maybe even some of the events in the series and worldbuilding. Their very names may be inscribed into the history of the story.  My goal for the Patreon Page is to have the greatest fans of the story be directly enrolled in making the story better. 

I have striven to make "The War of Saints and Sages" accessible across a variety of platforms. If you like this story, one of best way you can help it reach more people is share, comment and follow across the social media platforms listed below.  

Facebook and Tumblr are the easiest ways to find direct links to read the story. I also post excerpts from the story here, and link all Instagram and Youtube content. Sharing, Reblogging and commenting in these posts are a great way to help this community grow, and a great way to help mold my content on your feedback.

Twitter is another great place to show support and retweet the story. I post constantly on Twitter when I'm writing the story and my twitter community helps me to inform my writing and what people like. I also retweet other fantasy writers here, follow and DM me for retweets if you are one!

This story has an Instagram account that is used to document the worldbuilding and storyboarding process. Content includes concept art, maps, visual quotes, and character sketches by me as well as by professional artists, and hopefully fans.

The platform on which I hope to drive any fan art or art by others is Deviant Art. There I started a community for this exact purpose. If you are an artist who likes this story please, join this deviant art community!

If you are a Reddit user, upvote and follow this stories subreddit to get direct links to the story and help them get more traction online!

Patreon is perhaps the most important platform for this story, as it enables fans of the series to contribute towards its continued creation and improvement. The money from Patreon goes to editors and artists that work on this story. It also is a place where I post content exclusive to only people who give the story a certain amount of money a month. Exclusive content includes access to the immense worldbuilding archives of this story, "The Making Of" notes and videos by the author on the inspiration, meanings, and nuances of the story, bonus chapters and more.

Patrons will also be enrolled in the making of the series. Their comments will be taken much more seriously than people commenting for free, their votes and suggestions will determine the names of new characters and maybe even some of the events in the series and worldbuilding. Their very names may be inscribed into the history of the story.  My goal for the Patreon Page is to have the greatest fans of the story be directly enrolled in making the story better. 

If you love this series a great way to connect with me on Social Media is tagging the story and using hashtags. When referencing the world you can use the #WorldofWOSAS, or when referencing the series itself you can use the #WOSAS. #TheOrderofSaints

Follow Julius S. Peyton Socials and Newsletter For More of "The War of Saints and Sages" and Other Content.