The Orphan Man is a Euphemistic Character. He Personifies the Idea that People Suffer because They Perceive Themselves as Separate from Nature & Eachother. Art and Literature are his Therapy.
— Julius S. Peyton

The Orphan Man is a Multimedia Blog named for the problem it seeks to tackle. This problem influences our consciousness in ways that seem subtle to a society conditioned, to the unnatural. 

The idea and state of mind that humans are separate from nature has plagued us for time unknowable. Like trauma locked away in repressed memories, the origin of this sickness is hazy, but ancient myth, linguistic etymology, and human history collectively hold the secrets of where this sickness began.

One thing that is evident is that the human willingness to destroy its own environment for the sake of gluttony- is a symptom of an overly aggressive ego. The ego is the center for survival in the human body, but an overaggressive ego is a symptom of embedded trauma.

The articles, video-essays, poems, and visuals that encompass the Orphan man diagnose everyday sicknesses in our language and society. The nature photography, poetry, and art are made to instill a new iconography that appreciates nature as an extension of the human body. All content is made to instill the Universal Mindset, where the individual and the environment are viewed as one entity for the sake of both a healthier and more fully conscious future.

Stay Up to Date with the Orphan Man at the Social Media links below.

Who knows What The Orphan Man may become. I already know that I will Continue to write The Orphan Man, and will curate my work into "The Book of The Orphan Man" However, I think my real aspiration is that The Orphan Man will become as useful of a literary and philosophical modem for other writers and thinkers as it is for me. I hope to find other like minded creators to Make content for The Orphan Man and make it a larger outlet for spiritual writers. If you are interested in supporting Me in this ambition then you can visit The Orphan Man Patreon Page and Make a Monthly Pledge.

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