The War of Saints & Sages


The War of Saints & Sages


The World of W.O.S.A.S is ruled by many exalted Kings and Priests; but above all it is ruled by the God Alor, who shapes his Will through his Chosen Prophets and through Three Chosen Bloodlines.

The Ancient Order of Saints are blessed with demigod abilities, carrying, Scepters that are handed from son to son, and are rumored to channel the very Will of God.

The Saints are beloved by many believers, and are the greatest spiritual leaders of their beholden nations, but with their rise came a Darkness that now threatens to coil itself around the fragile nations of men and choke out the breath of the land. Over Eight Centuries the Three Bloodlines of Saints have lost contact, spread across the world, serving each isolated Empire of Man. The Power of Saints is fading and the nations of men have never been so divided.

Magnetia is the youngest and most wealthy country in the world, divided by a loyalty to two dynasties, and a class war that has resulted in rioting and rebellion.

Magnetia has been home to a Saint for three generations now. Sitting on the Northernmost outskirts of civilization, this country must rally or be destroyed by the ensuing Darkness. 

The Changing

The Changing

The Changing Final Cover.jpg

In this futuristic dark age of humanity, technology is the only thing that is still evolving. Democracy, social ability, and all things have been stripped away by the crutch of technology in a dependent society. A mysterious Regime provides entertainment and aid to a sick world in as its ruling class of a post-apocalyptic oligarchicy.

Humans have created technology to solve every issue in front of them, however this reality has a downside to it, and that is that humans skipped a step of social and ecological evolution in favor of furthering technology.

As a result, the world has become so polluted that it is virtually uninhabitable. Shortage of food and water is now an immediate threat everywhere in the world. In answer of this, the Regime brought forth and mandated "The Changing" a government operation in which humans would become trans-human by trading bodies for devices and becoming, ‘Changed Ones’.

In this story we watch our main characters lose many things and go through a lot of sorrow as first they try to fit their identities into a society where there is no room for individuals, and then flee that society in the wake of the Changing, only to be further pursued by the Regime, the Changed Ones and the militarized police force called the Company of Twin Stars.

Join them in their struggle. In this dark age of man, we must be pushed to the brink before we can find true free-will. The Change is Coming.