by Julius S. Peyton

by Julius S. Peyton

The Changing
By Julius S Peyton
Buy on Amazon

"The Changing" tells it's story through the eyes of an initially nameless father and daughter as they struggle to survive in a world of radical Change and radical complacency, where what is true and false is thrown into doubt and it is a struggle to maintain any sense of identity. It is both a Self-Published Novel on Amazon and a Web-Serial Edition that is still expanding. To see the Web-Serial Edition Go  to the 2nd option underneath the submenu of "The Changing".

In this futuristic dark age of humanity, technology is the only thing that is still evolving. Democracy, social ability, and all things have been stripped away by the crutch of technology in a dependent society. A mysterious Regime provides entertainment and aid to a sick world in as its ruling class of a post-apocalyptic oligarchicy.

Humans have created technology to solve every issue in front of them, however this reality has a downside to it, and that is that humans skipped a step of social and ecological evolution in favor of furthering technology.

As a result, the world has become so polluted that it is virtually uninhabitable. Shortage of food and water is now an immediate threat everywhere in the world. In answer of this, the Regime brought forth and mandated "The Changing" a government operation in which humans would become trans-human by trading bodies for devices and becoming, ‘Changed Ones’.

In this story we watch our main characters lose many things and go through a lot of sorrow as first they try to fit their identities into a society where there is no room for individuals, and then flee that society in the wake of the Changing, only to be further pursued by the Regime, the Changed Ones and the militarized police force called the Company of Twin Stars.

Join them in their struggle. In this dark age of man, we must be pushed to the brink before we can find true free-will. The Change is Coming. 

I have striven to make "The War of Saints and Sages" accessible across a variety of platforms. If you like this story, the best way you can help me out is like, share, comment and follow across the social media platforms you use.  

Facebook and Tumblr are the easiest ways to find direct links to read the story. I also post excerpts from the story here, and link all Instagram and Youtube content. Sharing, reblogging and commenting in these posts are a great way to help this community grow, and a great way to mold my content on our feedback.

Twitter is another great place to show support and retweet the story. I post constantly on Twitter when I'm writing the story and my twitter community helps me to inform my writing and what people like. I also retweet other science fiction writers here, follow and DM me for retweets if you are one!

This story has an Instagram account that is used to document the worldbuilding and storyboarding process. Content includes concept art, maps, visual quotes, and character sketches by me as well as by professional artists, and hopefully fans.

The platform on which I hope to drive any fan art or art by others is Deviant Art. There I started a community for this exact purpose. If you are an artist who likes this story please, join this deviant art community!

The Novel Version Was a Great Way to Make My First AMazon Product, But the Concepts Inside Are Too Complex to Not be Fully Explored, Which is Why I’m Recreating “The Changing as a Webserial on Patreon.
— Julius S. Peyton

Patreon is perhaps the most important platform for this story, as it enables fans of the series to contribute towards its continued creation and improvement. The money from Patreon goes to editors and artists that work on this story. It also is a place where I post content exclusive to only people who give the story a certain amount of money a month. Exclusive content includes access to the immense worldbuilding archives of this story, "The Making Of" notes and videos by the author on the inspiration, meanings, and nuances of the story, bonus chapters and more.

Patrons will also be enrolled in the making of the series. Their comments will be taken much more seriously than people commenting for free, their votes and suggestions will determine the names of new characters and maybe even some of the events in the series and worldbuilding. Their very names may be inscribed into the history of the story.  My goal for the Patreon Page is to have the greatest fans of the story be directly enrolled in making the story better. 

If You love this Series a Great Way to Connect With Me on Social Media is tagging the story and using hashtags. My favorite hashtag is #TheChangeisComing. For fan art use #thechangingfanart and tag the story to get my attention and be reposted!

Follow the Julius S. Peyton's Socials and Newsleter for Updates on "The Changing" and More.